It Starts With You

At Move Over Michigan, our mission is to foster a safer environment for emergency responders and roadside workers by raising awareness and educating the motoring public about the critical importance of moving over. We are dedicated to reducing the risks faced by those working alongside roadways, ensuring their safety and well-being through advocacy, outreach, and community engagement. Together, we strive to create a culture of responsibility and respect on Michigan's roads, where every individual recognizes and honors the need to move over for those who serve and protect us.

Our Mission

About the Movement

Move Over Michigan was founded in 2014 by individuals hailing from various emergency services fields, including representatives from towing, law enforcement, fire, EMS, and the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT). United by a common goal to reduce the loss of lives among those working on the roadway, our organization has been steadfast in its commitment to achieving this objective through education and practical initiatives.

Our approach encompasses a range of activities aimed at raising awareness, promoting safe driving behaviors, and fostering a culture of responsibility on the road. From conducting educational seminars and workshops to organizing Safety Days in collaboration with local communities, we strive to empower both emergency service personnel and the public with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate roadways safely.


In addition, during holidays and peak travel times, we deploy "Slow Down, Move Over" signs strategically throughout the state's rest areas. These signs serve as a visible reminder for motorists to exercise caution and courtesy when passing emergency vehicles and workers, thereby reducing the risk of accidents and fatalities on our roads.


We believe that collaboration is key to achieving meaningful and lasting change in roadway safety. As such, we are eager to explore opportunities for partnership and engagement with your organization/agency. Whether through joint initiatives, resource-sharing, or advocacy efforts, together, we can make a significant impact in saving lives and protecting those who serve our communities. Please ask us how you can sponsor a roadway banner!


As a donor, your support for Move Over Michigan Inc plays a vital role in promoting a culture of compassion and understanding within our communities. By choosing to invest in our mission, you are contributing to initiatives that prioritize empathy over strict adherence to laws. Your generosity enables us to organize events, campaigns, and educational programs aimed at fostering meaningful connections and promoting positive social change. Together, we can continue to spread the message of love over the law, creating a more inclusive and compassionate society for all. Thank you for your commitment to making a difference.

Our Focus

Creating Awareness Across the State


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(555) 555-5555